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~ What Is Reiki ~


Reiki {pronounced Ray-key} {Rei = Universal} {Ki = Life Force Energy} is a subtle, gentle, yet powerful form of energy known to holistically balance the body on a physical, mental, emotional and spiritual level, supporting and nurturing the body, mind and spirit as a whole.


Reiki Practitioners channel this energy through their hands, in various positions, allowing Reiki to flow through to the fully clothed body of the agreeable recipient.  Reiki is usually considered to be a "hands-on" technique but can be equally effective with the hands held slightly away from the recipients body, should they so choose.


The recipient often feels warmth or tingling, which may include various temperatures and/or sensations in the area being addressed even when using a non-touching approach.  A state of deep relaxation combined with a general feeling of well-being is usually the most immediate and noticeable effect of a Reiki session.



~ How Does Reiki Work ~

{As Described By Laurelle Gaia ~ Candian Reiki Association Brochure}


"Our physical body is alive because of the 'life force energy' that is flowing through it.   If our life force energy is low, or blocked, we are more likely to become ill, but if it is high and free flowing, we more easily maintain health and a feeling of well-being.  One thing that disrupts and weakens the flow of life force energy is stress.  Stress is often caused by conflicting thoughts and feelings that become lodged in one's subtle energy system, including fear, worry, doubt, anger, anxiety, etc.


Medical research has determined that continual stress can block the body's natural ability to repair, regenerate and protect itself.  The American Institute of Stress estimates that 75% - 95% of all visits to doctors are the result of reactions to stress.  The effects of unreleased stress range from minor aches and pains to major health concerns, such as heart disease, digestive disorders, respiratory, skin problems, etc.


Stress can also activate our fears and cause our life force energy to diminish.  When this happens we weaken our ability to respond to fear appropriately and to transform it."



Reiki is not intended, nor meant, to replace or postpone proven conventional medical care and/or the direct supervision of your Doctor, Nurse Practitioner, and/or medical team.


This website is for informational purposes only.  Any use of information, resources, and/or services posted within this website are assumed at your own risk, sole discretion and responsibility.


~ Disclaimer ~


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