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~ Reiki ~

Reiki is a Japanese, hands on, energy based, modality used for holistic wellnes of body, mind, spirit, and emotions, for both people and pets.  Reiki is a Spiritual Healing Practice that re-establishes balance within the body, bringing about and promoting new self discovery toward healing.


Reiki {ray-key}, Rei ~ Spiritually Guided, Ki ~ Universal Life Force Energy, promotes healing (in part) by tapping into the relaxation response, allowing positive energy to flow into the body intuitively through the hands of the Reiki Practitioner, helping the body to balance itself from within.


Reiki does not involve, nor require, any religious dogma.  It is not required that you neccessarily believe in Reiki for it to work, only that you be willing and open to receiving Reiki and all the holistic enhancement benefits it offers.  You need not do anything but lay back, breath, relax and just be. 


The practitioner connects Reiki’s healing energy to the body, mind, emotions and inner spirit, which can then be absorbed and used by the client to aid in cleansing, balancing and harmonizing the bodys' own natural energies, promoting over all physical, emotional and spiritual well-being.


Reiki has been known to boost immunity and the body’s own natural healing ability to prevent illness ~ promote relaxation and wellness ~ reduce anxiety, pain and stress ~ restore balance and lost energy ~ and speed healing.  Reiki also supports any medical and/or supplemental healing methods a client may be using and can be combined with cancer treatments and medical/surgical procedures to holistically aid in alleviating side affects and enhance overall results.


Reiki energy is always positive, for the highest and greatest good, and automatically goes where it is needed, providing you with precisely what your body, mind, spirit, and emotions need.


Although Reiki is usually considered a “hands-on healing technique”, it can also be administered just as effectively with the hands positioned slightly above the body.


The Reiki experience is a powerful, yet comforting, gentle, loving, warm and nurturing form of energy transmission by way of appropriate touch to the clients’ fully clothed body.



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